Reflective Teaching In A Digital Age

STEM Learning in PreK-12 Education with Dr. Jacob Foster

Season 4 Episode 1

Supporting active engagement in STEM disciplines is a challenging task that relies on thoughtful educational programming to build environments where students can become leaders of their learning. In this episode, Jake Foster shares with us his knowledge and expertise in the areas of project-based, collaborative, and technology-supported learning, and discusses ways that his company, STEM Learning Design, LLC, is helping educators and school administrators to develop a comprehensive approach to facilitate active learning.

Reference(s) mentioned in this episode:
STEM Learning Design resources 

NGSS Phenomena:

National Academies Elementary Science Report: 

Citizen Science:

Technology-based modeling, simulation, and visualization tools, such as provided by:

          Concord Consortium: 

          Open Space: 

Remote labs: 

WADE Institute:

Beyond Benign: 

“Cultural Responsiveness and Mathematical Practices” by Jen Munson, Geetha Lakshminarayanan, and Thomas Rodney in Mathematics Teacher: Learning & Teaching PK-12, October 2022 (Vol. 115, #10, pp. 698-706)

Jake founded STEM Learning Design to support innovative program design and powerful student learning experiences. He partners with districts and organizations to redesign school programming and learning space design, with a particular focus on STEM education. 

Jake began his 25-year career in STEM education teaching high school science, then supporting others as a middle school coach and teacher educator. As past STEM leader for the Massachusetts Department of Education, Jake engaged for more than a decade in education policy, STEM programming, curriculum development, professional development, school support, and strategies for systemic change. He was a lead facilitator of the Massachusetts standards for Science and Technology/Engineering, Mathematics, and Digital Literacy and Computer Science. Jake was a member of the Next Generation Science Standards writing team, and Massachusetts’ representative for the NGSS development process collaborating with 22 other states.