Reflective Teaching In A Digital Age
Welcome to the podcast series called: Reflective Teaching in a Digital Age. We are excited to share our conversations with professionals working in STEM education or related fields. They have graciously agreed to share their personal experiences of adapting to an online teaching mode as well as their professional wealth of practical and theoretical knowledge relevant to blended or online teaching. We discuss many topics including effective course design, teamwork facilitation, assessment, educational technology integration, social support, instructor’s trust development and many, many others. We hope these conversations will prove useful to our listeners as well as help to engage our community in a larger conversation about effective ways to navigate the “new normal” of blended and online learning in STEM to develop effective modes of teaching. Visit our website for more information: https://www.reflectiveteachinginadigitalage.com
Reflective Teaching In A Digital Age
Reflection Byte - HyFlex Learning Model
A quick reflection on impressions of the Hyflex learning model in anticipation of an upcoming interview with Dr. Brian Beatty. Join us in brainstorming questions and themes to discuss with Dr. Beatty for the next podcast episode. Share your thoughts by emailing us at: info@reflectiveteachinginadigitalage.com